Friday, January 28, 2011

What day is it??

I think it is Friday, and if so, we've been here a full week.  It's hard to be too upset when I look at my happy healthy girl, but this situation is frustrating to say the least.  For three days/nights now, Ella has been keeping her stats up during her wakeful hours, but drops her O2 when she is asleep (for nap and at night) to a level they are not comfortable sending us home with.  We've been in this holding pattern for three days now, and just today they've decided to be "proactive" and see if perhaps there is some other reason than the virus for her stats to drop.  We just had a pulminologist here, and she thinks Ella looks and sounds great and perhaps the reason for the drop is either anatomical or sleep apnea.  So, next ENT will be coming to do a scope (to check for any anatomical issues), and depending on what they find, the next step might be a sleep study. 

So rather than retype all I've written above, I'll just start a new paragraph, as we just had the scope done.  Everything looks normal, so on to the sleep study; at least that's my assumption.  Boy, wouldn't it be fantastic to have the sleep study tonight?!  How do I make that happen...My fear is that if we don't get something done today/tonight, it won't happen until Monday.  I might lose my mind by then.

Well, looks like at least one more night at Hotel Nationwide.  This place is no where near worth ten grand a night.

Don't want to leave you hanging, so I've attached a few more pics.  It is wonderful that Ella is so happy and smiling all the time.  If she were miserable too, I think that might just put Grahm and I over the edge.

Do you like my thousand dollar nightgown?? My butt hangs out the back :(

Jailbird!  Someone let me out of this place!!


  1. Could there be a cuter girl? I think not!!! Kathy

  2. Ok, maybe not Grahm so much, but in her thousand dollar nightgown, I see Karen BIGTIME!!!!
    Love that she has her seahorse from Aunt Kim with her. :-)
    Thinking about you always.....
    Love, Kim
